Premature Ejaculation Singapore | Shim Clinic

Help me about Premature Ejaculation !

Premature ejaculation (PE) is the male inability to delay the time it takes from the start of stimulation to when ejaculation occurs. This happens sooner than when he or his partner would like it to occur. It is a psychological mismatch of expectation that causes distress in a male or his partner.

Shim Clinic has a special focus on the diagnosis, and treatment of premature ejaculation.

Sexual activity involves penile stimulation, which results in orgasm, and the expelling of semen (ejaculation). Minimal penile stimulation, together with a shortened time to reach orgasm, which is difficult to prolong, results in premature ejaculation.

The resulting distress and lack of satisfaction of either partner add to the sense of premature ejaculation.

The following table is a diagnostic tool to assess if a person has premature ejaculation.

Premature Ejaculation
Answer the following to check:
Appendix B. Final PE Diagnostic Tool

Tool for Assessing Premature Ejaculation

This is a questionnaire to help identify men who may have a problem with ejaculating too soon during sexual activity. Even if you do not have difficulties, please answer all the questions.
  • Please mark the box that best represents your answer for each of the questions below.
  • Please mark only one box for each question.
  • Remember there are no right or wrong answers to these questions.
  • While your experiences may change from time to time, what we're interested in here is your general experience with intercourse.
Ejaculation here refers to ejaculation (release of semen) after penetration (when your penis enters your partner)

  1. How difficult is it for you to delay ejaculation?
    Not difficult at all 0
    Somewhat difficult 1
    Moderately difficult 2
    Very difficult 3
    Extremely difficult 4
  2. Do you ejaculate before you want to?
    Almost never or never 0% 0
    Less than half the time 25% 1
    About half the time 50% 2
    More than half the time 75% 3
    Almost always or always 100% 4
  3. Do you ejaculate with very little stimulation?
    Almost never or never 0% 0
    Less than half the time 25% 1
    About half the time 50% 2
    More than half the time 75% 3
    Almost always or always 100% 4
  4. Do you feel frustrated because of ejaculating before you want to?
    Not at all 0
    Slightly 1
    Moderately 2
    Very 3
    Extremely 4
  5. How concerned are you that your time to ejaculation leaves your partner sexually unfulfilled?
    Not at all 0
    Slightly 1
    Moderately 2
    Very 3
    Extremely 4
Pfizer Ltd ©: 27 July 2005

  • ≤8 "no PE,"
  • 9 and 10 "probable PE," and
  • ≥11 "PE."

Premature ejaculation treatment is available NOW.

Premature ejaculation treatment is available!


Copyrighted Material: Not for Reproduction or Distribution - Shim Clinic - Premature Ejaculation Singapore
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